Cohort Details and Available Data


Resources where you can find information about BIS and the data available include the following:



Cohort Details:


Biological Samples:


Data Dictionaries and Questionnaires:

Further information, including questionnaires and data dictionaries are available on request by contacting our data manager Hassam Iqbal: or email



Data Linkage:
As part of the school age review, we are requesting Australian Institute of Health and Welfare and Commonwealth data linkage access to the following services:

For more information read our Data Linkage Booklet here

Please contact our data manager Hassam Iqbal: or if you would like to work on collaborative data linkage projects.




How to request data:

The process for gaining access to BIS data is available below:


Before data can be provided, you will need to have your analysis concept approved by the BIS Steering Committee. To discuss your analysis concept, contact BIS at


A template for developing a BIS concept is available here: BIS concept template


You will always need to sign a research agreement and agree to abide by BIS governance rules before being granted access to BIS data: BIS Governance Policy

The research agreement is a governance step to be developed with your BIS Steering Committee link, and Nicola Cooley:


Most data requests can be submitted through Pooler, which can be accessed through REDCap. Instructions for using Pooler are available below. To request access to Pooler, contact Hassam Iqbal:


If you need assistance or advice on how to format your analysis code using STATA, there are templates available here: STATA do-file templates

An example of how you could sturcture your analysis to make it reproducible (for your future self, as well as for other researchers) is available here: example_dofile

You can also contact, or you can attend one of the training courses offered by the Clinical Epidemiology and Biostatistics Unit (CEBU): CEBU training courses


Future Data Collection:

BIS is a long-term observational study that will examine the effects of various factors on the influences on the health, well-being and development of more than 1,000 mother-infant pairs from the Barwon region. The longer we follow participating families the more we will learn.